Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
This is Copart’s Gender Pay Gap Report, for the year ending 5th April 2023.
Overall, our statistics show a Median Hourly pay gap of 19.66% which shows a decreased movement from the previous year’s reported Median Hourly pay gap of 22.91%.
Copart is confident that its approach for hiring new employees and the provision of pay and rewards is not biased to one gender over another. Copart operates its business from 20 locations throughout the UK.
Our job roles are broadly split into four categories: LGV Drivers, Yard Operatives; admin staff and functional specialists, however, these are not in equal proportion.
All roles based in our Operations Centres, Copart has a structured pay grading system which does not favour men or women. We conduct competitive external pay benchmarking for all specialist staff to ensure to pay appropriately against the role requirements irrespective of gender.
For the benefit of overall comparison, the office of National Statistics Annual Survey of Hours and Earning overall median gender pay gap for 2023 is 14.3% for all employees, a reduction from the previous year at 14.9%.
Gender Headcount
See below headcount split for the four main job categories, with a total headcount of 1262.
The headcount is split as follows:
Pay and Bonus Pay
Hourly pay included all elements from an employee’s monthly payroll data including the variations of driver pay.
Mean |
Median |
Hourly Pay Gap |
-14.36% |
66.67% |
We recognise the contribution that all our employees make irrespective of their gender. In 2023 we saw that out of those who were eligible, the bonus gap for 2023 was formed by a 35% female and 65% male split. In comparison to the previous year, 2022, where we saw a split of 50% female and 50% male.
At the time of the data snapshot 262 employees were LGV drivers. Copart has four female LGV Drivers. Copart has compared the Median Pay Gap with and without the driver pay from the calculations, this then reduces the Mean Hourly Pay Gap to 9.04% and the Median Hourly Pay Gap decreased to 5.12%.
Pay Quartiles 2023
The following charts illustrate the gender distribution across the four quartiles of pay bands. At Copart we are confident that all men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across all parts of our business.
Upper Quartile |
Total |
Percentage |
Mean |
Median |
Male |
275 |
87.03% |
£24.62 |
£21.26 |
Female |
41 |
12.97% |
£31.25 |
£23.94 |
Total |
316 |
Gender Pay Gap |
-26.93% |
-12.62% |
Upper Middle Upper Quartile |
Total |
Percentage |
Mean |
Median |
Male |
232 |
73.89% |
£16.07 |
£16.33 |
Female |
82 |
26.11% |
£15.32 |
£14.76 |
Total |
314 |
Gender Pay Gap |
4.70% |
9.60% |
Lower Middle Upper Quartile |
Total |
Percentage |
Mean |
Median |
Male |
201 |
63.61% |
£12.12 |
£12.12 |
Female |
115 |
36.39% |
£12.12 |
£12.06 |
Total |
316 |
Gender Pay Gap |
-0.07% |
-0.57% |
Lower Quartile |
Total |
Percentage |
Mean |
Median |
Male |
157 |
49.68% |
£10.91 |
£11.08 |
Female |
159 |
50.32% |
£11.06 |
£11.15 |
Total |
316 |
Gender Pay Gap |
-1.42% |
-0.62% |
Pay Quartiles for 2023
Our lower quartiles have seen continued consistency with the mean and median gap. Where we still have a larger volume of males in senior roles, however, the mean gap is still in favour of females.
We continue offering roles with similar pay to both female and male employees in the lower quartile. We see this as a highlight for future pipeline into the middle and upper quartiles. We continue to provide development opportunities for both female and male employees.
As we have illustrated, a factor affecting our headline and reported Gender Pay Gap is the disproportionate number of female to male employees. Copart will continue to encourage diversity within our recruitment practices to improve the gender balance and the provision of pay and rewards is not biased to one gender over another.
Jane Pocock
UK CEO UK and Ireland