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Members all over the world come to Copart because of our extensive inventory with more than 125,000 vehicles available for bidding each day we have something for everyone.

Collecting Your Auction Wins

Vehicle Loading 


After winning a vehicle in our auctions, the next step is to organise the collection of your vehicle from the Operation Centre where it's stored.

Alternatively, you can opt to have the vehicle delivered to you via our mainland delivery service.

When Can I Collect a vehicle?

Your vehicles will be available for collection once payment has been cleared (this can be checked via your online account or with the Member Services team). Collection is available at our Operations Centre between 8 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday (excluding UK Bank Holidays)

Vehicle collections MUST be pre-booked via our Transportation App.  

Please ensure that you collect your vehicle within the free storage period to avoid additional storage charges. For more information on storage charges, head to the Copart locations page you are looking to purchase from.

How Do I Collect a vehicle?

Salvage/Used Vehicles

When collecting a vehicle, or sending a driver to collect your vehicle, you must ensure that you have your Member number and the Lot Number of the vehicle that you are collecting.

Breaker Vehicles

If you’re collecting a CAT B vehicle, please ensure that you also have the correct licences and documentation with you to allow us to release the vehicle. More information can be found on the 'Buying CAT B’s page'.

Don't forget to book your collection slot using our Transportation App 


Steps to Follow After the Auction

The days following our auctions can be extremely busy for our Operations Centres, so we've put together what you need to do to arrange your collection:

Collection Truck

Schedule a collection: Our Transportation App allows Members and drivers to schedule times to collect their vehicles.  

Ring Ahead

Pay in advance: All payments must be made online before arriving at an Operations Centre for a collection.

Prepare Documents

Be prepared: Make sure that you have your Member number and Lot number with you and ready to provide to our staff. Or, if you’re collecting a CAT B vehicle, please ensure that you have the correct documentation.