Modern Slavery Statement


The Company is committed to constantly reviewing its employment practices, the activities of its supply chain, and ensuring compliance with the obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement sets out the policies and practices within the Company’s business that provide a framework aimed at ensuring the Company’s compliance with the requirements of the Act.

This statement refers to the Company’s primary review of the implementation of the Act and sets out certain actions that took place during the current financial year (2024/25). This statement also sets out actions that the Company intends to take in the next financial year to improve our position.

The Company and its Principal Activities

Established in the United Kingdom by the initial acquisition of Universal Salvage Limited in 2007, the principal activity of Copart UK Limited is the provision of vehicle remarketing services to the UK insurance and automotive industries. The Company provides sellers access, through its daily online auctions, to an active and geographically diverse buyer base. This ensures market value is achieved for vehicles sold. The Company only operates in the UK and ROI.


The HR Director has a responsibility for ensuring that all the Company’s policies and procedures are up to date and properly meet the requirements that the policy is designed for. Such reviews are conducted annually as a minimum.

The Senior Leadership Team reviews the Company’s approach to human rights and modern slavery annually to ensure that no changes have taken place that may have impacted upon its initial risk assessment.

Risk Assessment

The Senior Leadership Team carries out an annual risk assessment of the Company’s activities. The assessment conducted for this financial year (2024/2025) has concluded that the Company does not have any areas subject to high risk within the definition of the Act. The Company believes that its risk assessment and this statement are proportionate to the identified risks to modern slavery as described within the Act.

Due Diligence

Given the Company’s business operations and that it has assessed itself as low risk, the Company believes that its existing commercial due diligence practices are sufficient to ensure continual compliance with the requirements of the Act.

Policies & Procedures

  • Whistleblowing Policy: The Company encourages all its teammates, customers, and other business partners to report any concerns related to its direct activities or its supply chain. This includes any circumstances that may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking.
  • Teammate Handbook: The Company’s Teammate Handbook makes it clear to all teammates the actions and behaviour expected of them when representing the Company.
  • Pay & Benefits: The Company is committed to ensuring all teammates receive pay and benefits that meet national standards.
  • Recruitment Activity: The Company primarily sources potential candidates for employment through an online portal and reputable employment agencies.
  • Contract Approval Policy: The Company is committed to ensuring that its suppliers adhere to the highest standards of ethics.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility Policy: The Company has a policy that sets out its approach to continually improving its responsibilities.

Employee Awareness & Management

New teammates are made aware of the key aspects of the legislation upon joining the Company, as well as understanding what they should do if they believe a supplier is working in a way that could be considered as being contrary to the provisions of the Act.

On behalf of the board,

Jane Pocock
CEO UK & Ireland

Date reviewed: Nov 2024
Due for review: Nov 2025