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1 Used and Salvage Lexus RX 500H F Vehicles for Sale

RX 500H F
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£62,909.00 GBP
Category S
Front End Damage
Keys available
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- / - / L40
Item#: 0
Auction in 2D 0H 27min
£10,300.00 GBP
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

Used and Salvage Lexus RX 500H F Vehicles for Sale

Looking for Lexus RX 500H F vehicle auctions? Copart has used and salvage RX 500H F vehicles for sale in all types of conditions, with damage ranging from water/flood, fire, mechanical damage to minor dents/scratches, normal wear and tear. Become a Member to bid and buy our Lexus RX 500H F inventory.

Once you find a Lexus RX 500H F that you like, search through the details on the Lot page to see what kind of damage might be on the RX 500H F and where on the vehicle the damge is located. Used Unrecorded Lexus RX 500H F vehicles are usually listed with Normal Wear or Minor Dents and Scratches under Primary or Secondary Damage. There are currently used RX 500H F vehicles for sale with normal wear and RX 500H F with minor dents/scratches available.

Copart also has a range of total loss salvage Lexus RX 500H F vehicles for sale that have suffered more extensive damage. These are perfect, if you’re looking for a RX 500H F to fix up, repair or even to get parts for a RX 500H F repair project you have already started. If you want more details about a vehicle, you can order a Vehicle Data Report for any Lexus RX 500H F vehicles. These reports give you a 62+ point data check on a vehicle, giving you even more detail than on the individual RX 500H F auction listing.

Find a RX 500H F near you! You can search for Lexus RX 500H F stock by location using the filters on the Vehicle Finder, or look at the Lexus Rx 500h F Colchester location which has more RX 500H F vehicles available.