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3 Used and Salvage Fiat Punto-gbt Vehicles for Sale

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Image Lot info Vehicle info Condition Sale info Bids
ImageLot infoVehicle info
£1,975.00 GBP
Category B
Front End Damage
Keys available
Sale info
- / - / GP130
Item#: 0
Auction in 1D 17H 13min
£0.00 GBP
ImageLot infoVehicle info
£2,375.00 GBP
Category U
Minor Dents/Scratches Damage
Keys available
Sale info
- / - / CP2
Item#: 0
Auction in 5D 14H 43min
£0.00 GBP
ImageLot infoVehicle info
£2,595.00 GBP
Category U
Front End Damage
Keys available
Sale info
- / - / I70
Item#: 0
Auction in 6D 17H 13min
£0.00 GBP
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries

Used and Salvage Fiat Punto gbt Vehicles for Sale

Looking for Fiat Punto gbt vehicle auctions? Copart has used and salvage Punto gbt vehicles for sale in all types of conditions, with damage ranging from water/flood, fire, mechanical damage to minor dents/scratches, normal wear and tear. Become a Member to bid and buy our Fiat Punto gbt inventory.

Once you find a Fiat Punto gbt that you like, search through the details on the Lot page to see what kind of damage might be on the Punto gbt and where on the vehicle the damge is located. Used Unrecorded Fiat Punto gbt vehicles are usually listed with Normal Wear or Minor Dents and Scratches under Primary or Secondary Damage. There are currently used Punto gbt vehicles for sale with normal wear and Punto gbt with minor dents/scratches available.

Copart also has a range of total loss salvage Fiat Punto gbt vehicles for sale that have suffered more extensive damage. These are perfect, if you’re looking for a Punto gbt to fix up, repair or even to get parts for a Punto gbt repair project you have already started. If you want more details about a vehicle, you can order a Vehicle Data Report for any Fiat Punto gbt vehicles. These reports give you a 62+ point data check on a vehicle, giving you even more detail than on the individual Punto gbt auction listing.

Find a Punto gbt near you! You can search for Fiat Punto gbt stock by location using the filters on the Vehicle Finder, or look at the Fiat Punto Gbt York location which has more Punto gbt vehicles available.